Cracking the code

Cracking the code

December 5, 2024

To prepare for a virtual hearing where he was representing himself without the help of legal counsel, a Francophone man tried to access a secure portal on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s website.

To prepare for a virtual hearing where he was representing himself without the help of legal counsel, a Francophone man tried to access a secure portal on the Ministry of the Attorney General’s website. He complained to us that the website was available in English only.

RESULT: We brought this concern to the Ministry of the Attorney General. We learned that the French login page could be accessed only if French was the default language in the user’s browser settings. If the user accessed the portal with a browser whose default language was English, the login page appeared automatically in English. As a result of our intervention, the Ministry’s IT department created a new landing page for the Criminal Digital Disclosure Hub Platform that allows users to choose their preferred language before accessing the login page.

Learn more about the French Language Services Unit which answers questions and takes complaints about services in French.
Read about how we helped other people in our Selected cases.